Off BPC Esplanade, Police Rescue Man Who Had Jumped in the River
The scene at the north end of Battery Park City where a man in the river was taken to safety. Photo: Carl Glassman/Tribeca Trib
A 29-year-old man who had jumped in the Hudson River was rescued by police at the north end of Battery Park City early Thursday morning. He was still alive and well enough to walk, according to authorities.
The Trib originally reported that the man had died, based on information provided soon after the event by a police spokesman.
Several Battery Park City Ambassadors as well as police were on the scene during the rescue. “[The Ambassadors] walked him to the ambulance that was on Chambers and River Terrace,” said Patrick Murphy, who is in charge of the BPC Ambassadors. The man was taken to Bellevue Hospital.
Police say they do not know why the man jumped in the river.
Earlier in the evening, firefighters responded to an anonymous call of a person in the water near Pier A. No one was seen and the report was regarded as unfounded. It is unclear whether the two incidents were related.